UTV Motion Pictures and director Abhishek Kapoor's upcoming film Kai Po Che will have its world premiere at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival scheduled to go underway next month. The film, based on Chetan Bhagat's novel The 3 Mistakes of My Life, will be screened at the film festival on February 7. It will hit screens in India on February 22.
The film, which stars newcomers Sushant Singh Rajput, Raj Kumar Yadav and Amit Sadh in the lead roles, portrays the journey of three friends as they discover cricket, religion and business in their respective fields.
Set against the backdrop of religious politics, the story underlines the three mistakes made by Govind. The film as well as the book is set in Gujarat and hence the title Kai Po Che.
Thirty-one fictional features from 23 countries will provide insights into contemporary world cinema production at the 10-day-long Berlin ale festival.
The film portrays the journey of three friends as they discover cricket, religion and business in their respective fields. Set against the backdrop of religious politics, the story underlines the three mistakes made by Govind.
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