
Monday, 29 October 2012

IPKKND 29th October 2012 Written Update:

Arnav angry with Khushi that She did DNA test
for Arnav & Aarav.Khushi tries to explain.He
asks if she doesnt trust him. He tells her to
open the report & look. Sheetal looking from
aside. Khushi tries to open & finally she tears
the Report. Arnav tells he doesnt have any
relation with Sheetal other than dating her.
Khushi feels sad that Arnav fel
t bad.
She decides to not think of it anymore
She sees Aarav coloring & thinks there is no
mistake of the boy. She sees he drew about
his mom,dad & him.She goes to Aarav &
apologises while he is in the bathroom
(hehee. .)
She sees a dairy of sheetal & thinks weather
to read or not. While she is thinking she
imagines hergood side(fairy) & bad side
(demon). She finally decides to look at the
diary going with the demon side. She
slowlytries to read page by page.She reads
about Sheetal meeting a guy(no name
written) & she falling in Love. She reads about
how sheetal met that guy & she fell for him &
finally became close. She sees a page torn
after that. She suspects something would
have happened & decides to search for
She sees an old picture of Arnav with
college.She sees Sheetal & Arnav together in
the picture & also dated it as 2006. She thinks
of taking another copy of the report. She calls
the hospital for the another copy but couldnt
get it as the computers are not working. She
decides to go to Aarav school& get the
certificate. She dresses up as pune.
She tries to go to search for the form which
has Aaravs Birth daye but she has been given
work to serve tea. She goes to Principal office.
Sheetal & Arnav argue about playin basketball
match. Finally she decide to play game &
decide who is best!!!!

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