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A blog about Fan Fictions, edited pictures, VM's &much more about Arshi & other Entertainment news!!!!
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
"Arnav and Khushi are such sweethearts!"
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Celebrate Diwali With Arnav
The video has been published on the right side of the Blog at same position where previous video was published
Enjoy this Diwali with Star Plus
Thanks A Lot...!!!
Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon Maha Episode 3rd Nov 2012 HD [ Khushi's Karwachauth]
Iss Pyaar Ko kya Naam Doon Maha episode At New timing 3rd november @ 9pm
IPKKND 30th October 2012 Written Update:-
Khushi dressed as pune, tries hard to know Aaravs father name.She tries to do some work here & there & goes to Principal office. She talks the office guy into her words & makes him go out.After he leaves,She searches whole office for file.She looks at Aarav file & sees that because of water the form got ruined. she couldnt get Aarav father name.
Khushi sees Aarav & get shocked.He asks Khushi what is she doing.Khushi gives some excuse & leaves.
Khushi thinks she should leave this thought of knowing Aarav father for sometime.
Aarav in mood out that he got less marks in drawing. Sheetal cheers up him by telling about playing basketball.
Arnav tells Aarav that SHeetal used to lose with him while playing Basketball.Arnav argues his Mom is a champ. Khushi wants to cheer up Arnav & tells they should have a Basketball match. SHe says Aaakash & NK also will play with them. NK tries to flirt with Sheetal when she is trying to give instructions to Aarav. Arnav argues with Aarav & sheetal that he used to make Sheetal win always. They think they should have a match to prove it.
All boys get ready for match. Khushi & Sheetal come. Khushi looks weird with Indian dress & basketball shoes & head band.Maami also enter with her look. NK tells the rules. Aarav & Arnav makes deal that they will win at any cost. The game starts & Arnav plays very well. Khushi takes ball from Arnav hands & plays as football,kicks with leg. NK lets go of the fowl as its the first time. Arnav & Sheetal play game in thier own way.. Khushi looks at them jealously.
Arnav & Aarav win( i think..) They shake hands in thier own way.Khushi feels bad looking at thier bonding.
Khushi thinks she should leave this thought of knowing Aarav father for sometime.
Aarav in mood out that he got less marks in drawing. Sheetal cheers up him by telling about playing basketball.
Arnav tells Aarav that SHeetal used to lose with him while playing Basketball.Arnav argues his Mom is a champ. Khushi wants to cheer up Arnav & tells they should have a Basketball match. SHe says Aaakash & NK also will play with them. NK tries to flirt with Sheetal when she is trying to give instructions to Aarav. Arnav argues with Aarav & sheetal that he used to make Sheetal win always. They think they should have a match to prove it.
All boys get ready for match. Khushi & Sheetal come. Khushi looks weird with Indian dress & basketball shoes & head band.Maami also enter with her look. NK tells the rules. Aarav & Arnav makes deal that they will win at any cost. The game starts & Arnav plays very well. Khushi takes ball from Arnav hands & plays as football,kicks with leg. NK lets go of the fowl as its the first time. Arnav & Sheetal play game in thier own way.. Khushi looks at them jealously.
Arnav & Aarav win( i think..) They shake hands in thier own way.Khushi feels bad looking at thier bonding.
Credit: Fb Page
Maha EpisodeNovember 3rd, 2012
4days to go.
Diwali- Har Chehre Par Muskaan : First Episode Is On Samundra Manthan & Many More
One of the most watched and celebrated television channel has year on year bought high entertainment value Diwali celebrations at the start of the festive season. The channel has planned week long celebrations for its cherished viewers.
The celebrations promise to be a star studded extravaganza lasting for 5 days, starting from 5th November to 9th November. Your evenings will be fun-filled, tune into star plus every evening at 7:30 p.m. The theme is “Star Diwali – Har Chehre Par Muskaan”. The popular television actors like Suraj & Sandhya from “Diya Aur Bati”, Viren & Jeevika, Khushi and all other artists will engage in presenting mythological stories associated with Diwali in the form of a dance & musical show. The first episode is on Samudra Manthan and then as the week progresses various episodes like Katha Lakshmi Ki, Katha Ganesha Ki, Katha Krishna Ki, Katha Ram Ki will be depicted. The week will end with the culmination of these stories into a grand celebration of Shubh Deepawali.
Credit: Star Telly News Blog
Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas – Whole Story Of This Week In Detail (EXCLUSIVE)

Telly News Exclusive
We see Ranvijay playing with the baby … feeding her gannas …. The villagers tell sampooran about the missing baby . The parents ask Sampooran what to do and he suggests that he will make sure that the baby is found and just then we hear the baby cry from inside the house …. All shocked to see ranvijay holding the same baby !
The parents shocked take the baby and criticize sampooran …. Just then we introduce Chaiji who takes sampoorans side and makes everybody realize that the mistake is not Sampoorans and was accidently committed by a 7 year old Ranvijay so they cannot point fingers at Sarpanch … as the villagers have immense respect for Sampooran . Chai ji makes them realize that they all are over-reacting , so they realize why the kid did this is not coz his intentions were bad but because Ranvijay wanted a sister for himself …so in a very sweet way the entire village decides that Sampooran’s punishment will be that he should give ranvijay a baby – bro or sis, soon …. the parents leave with the baby . ranvijay becomes sad …later a sad Rattan tells Chaiji that its not that they have not tried to conceive a child it just that she is not able to conceive and confesses that she has had miscarriages in the past …chaiji assures her that all will be well ….
Sampoooran and rattan go to manao an upset Ranvijay in his den … later in the night we see Sampooran and rattan talk about the God not listening to their plight of giving them one more kid…Sampooran says maybe god will hear ranvi’s request and they shall soon become proud parents of a baby…. and in the intercut we show a woman offering a child to the God in a small temple somewhereWe realize that the the mystery – woman is offering the child to God as she is unwell and has nowhere to go …on the other side we see Ranvijay along with his friend decide, to write a letter to God asking him to send him a sister as soon as possible ! ranvijay drops the letter in a postbox … .Sampooran taking Ranvijay to school on a horse where on the way near a green piece of land , sampooran tells Ranvijay about his dream of opening a agricultural college on that piece of land someday ! … at home later we see sampooran gets a call from his best friend Kartaar that he has come back from honeymoon and are coming back today .
Chaiji feeding Ranvijay where we get to know that Chaiji has got no kids of her own . later Ranvijay asks the postman if there is any letter in his name as he is anticipating a reply from God ! Kartaar gets gifts for all except for Ranvijay who had asked him to get ‘snow’ for him ! as kartaar hasn’t got that so Ranvi is upset with kartaar for not getting him his gift . Ranvijay goes out upset and on the way sees baldev and Gunjan fighting …later that night we see postman delivering ranvi’s letter [that was addressed to God] in the gurdwara and hands it over to a Granthi … on the other hand we see Ratan here giving a news to Sampooran that she thinks that she is expectingNext day morning we see Sampooran getting the confirmation – the test report in the hospital about Ratan’s pregnancy … Rattan insists not to tell anybody about this news … just then we see a man asking them to go to the Gurdwara as they have been called by the Granthi . The granthi reads the letter [that ravi had written to God ] to them …. both get emotional realizing the innocence of their son … on the other hand we see the mystery woman [ with the baby ] going to a house which is apparently her father- mothers house along with the baby and pleads in front of them , to keep the baby …but the father refuses to do so … and asks her to get out … the woman leaves with the baby . Here in gurdwara we see Ranvi has come to complain about Baldev … seeing Ranvi Ratan emotionally hugs him …. we see Balwant [baldevs father ] not too happy with his son -Baldev’s behavior . Kartaar and his wife Gurpreet come to Ratans –sampoorans house for dinner . Ranvi punishes Kartaar in his own cute way ! Later at the dining table rattan accidently reveals a secret about kartaar [that he was not ready to get married for a long time coz the day he was supposed to get married his would-be wife had run away from the mandap … ] Gurpreet [kartaar's wife ] feels bad as Kartaar had kept this from her … later they patch up as kartaar swears that he will never lie to his wife . ranvijay tells his father – Sampooran to also swear on his mother and say that he has never ever lied to her and will never do so … we build intrigue as we realize that Sampooran has become a little uncomfortable at the thought of taking the kasam.
The parents shocked take the baby and criticize sampooran …. Just then we introduce Chaiji who takes sampoorans side and makes everybody realize that the mistake is not Sampoorans and was accidently committed by a 7 year old Ranvijay so they cannot point fingers at Sarpanch … as the villagers have immense respect for Sampooran . Chai ji makes them realize that they all are over-reacting , so they realize why the kid did this is not coz his intentions were bad but because Ranvijay wanted a sister for himself …so in a very sweet way the entire village decides that Sampooran’s punishment will be that he should give ranvijay a baby – bro or sis, soon …. the parents leave with the baby . ranvijay becomes sad …later a sad Rattan tells Chaiji that its not that they have not tried to conceive a child it just that she is not able to conceive and confesses that she has had miscarriages in the past …chaiji assures her that all will be well ….
Sampoooran and rattan go to manao an upset Ranvijay in his den … later in the night we see Sampooran and rattan talk about the God not listening to their plight of giving them one more kid…Sampooran says maybe god will hear ranvi’s request and they shall soon become proud parents of a baby…. and in the intercut we show a woman offering a child to the God in a small temple somewhereWe realize that the the mystery – woman is offering the child to God as she is unwell and has nowhere to go …on the other side we see Ranvijay along with his friend decide, to write a letter to God asking him to send him a sister as soon as possible ! ranvijay drops the letter in a postbox … .Sampooran taking Ranvijay to school on a horse where on the way near a green piece of land , sampooran tells Ranvijay about his dream of opening a agricultural college on that piece of land someday ! … at home later we see sampooran gets a call from his best friend Kartaar that he has come back from honeymoon and are coming back today .
Chaiji feeding Ranvijay where we get to know that Chaiji has got no kids of her own . later Ranvijay asks the postman if there is any letter in his name as he is anticipating a reply from God ! Kartaar gets gifts for all except for Ranvijay who had asked him to get ‘snow’ for him ! as kartaar hasn’t got that so Ranvi is upset with kartaar for not getting him his gift . Ranvijay goes out upset and on the way sees baldev and Gunjan fighting …later that night we see postman delivering ranvi’s letter [that was addressed to God] in the gurdwara and hands it over to a Granthi … on the other hand we see Ratan here giving a news to Sampooran that she thinks that she is expectingNext day morning we see Sampooran getting the confirmation – the test report in the hospital about Ratan’s pregnancy … Rattan insists not to tell anybody about this news … just then we see a man asking them to go to the Gurdwara as they have been called by the Granthi . The granthi reads the letter [that ravi had written to God ] to them …. both get emotional realizing the innocence of their son … on the other hand we see the mystery woman [ with the baby ] going to a house which is apparently her father- mothers house along with the baby and pleads in front of them , to keep the baby …but the father refuses to do so … and asks her to get out … the woman leaves with the baby . Here in gurdwara we see Ranvi has come to complain about Baldev … seeing Ranvi Ratan emotionally hugs him …. we see Balwant [baldevs father ] not too happy with his son -Baldev’s behavior . Kartaar and his wife Gurpreet come to Ratans –sampoorans house for dinner . Ranvi punishes Kartaar in his own cute way ! Later at the dining table rattan accidently reveals a secret about kartaar [that he was not ready to get married for a long time coz the day he was supposed to get married his would-be wife had run away from the mandap … ] Gurpreet [kartaar's wife ] feels bad as Kartaar had kept this from her … later they patch up as kartaar swears that he will never lie to his wife . ranvijay tells his father – Sampooran to also swear on his mother and say that he has never ever lied to her and will never do so … we build intrigue as we realize that Sampooran has become a little uncomfortable at the thought of taking the kasam.
We realize that rattan only stops Sampooran from swearing and the situation gets handled in a light manner…but we see Sampooran still uncomfortable about something ….later that night Sampooran again tries to tell rattan about something but somehow is not able to do so …. In the intercut we see the same mystery – woman along with the baby get into the bus for Preetampura. ranvijay along with his friend dalbeer goes to enquire about his letter and there he is told by the Gratnthi that god has got his letter and that he had even informed his father – mother about the same …. Ranvijay upset with his parents, as to why dint they tell him… . ranvi goes home and complains that why they dint tell him about Granthi calling them to Gurdwara . Sampooran is called for a panchayat about a dispute between Balli and his wife. Rattan asks Ranvijay as to why does he want only a sister and not a brother – ranvijay replies that he wants someone who can tie a rakhi to him and brothers don’t do that ! Rattan confirms and tells Ranvi that he will get a sister soon from the ‘lal pankh wali cheel’ …. Ranvi goes all over the village announcing that his sister is about to come in this world ….all excited! we see Chai ji who is passing by overhearing Ranvijay and just wondering what he means …. We see the mystery- woman with the baby getting down in Preetampura – sampoorans village . in the panchayat we see sampooran giving his verdict … stating the importance of ‘trust’ in between a husband and a wife … and thus holds the husband responsible for breaking wife’s trust …. We realize that he is lost in his thoughts in between the Panchayat …we build intrigue …. chaiji confronts rattan about the ‘good news’ and rattan shyly confirms …. All he women celebrate the news by performing a gidda- dance … samporan on the way back home goes to buy a red suit for rattan and in the market place there is a hit and miss between sampooran and the mystery woman as she is asking for somebody’s address ….later we see the mystery woman landing at Sampoorans house and she faints at the doorstep of the sampooran house . all shocked.
credit: Star Telly News Blog
Star Plus Diwali – Har Chehre Ki Muskaan Promo-All Promos Here Only (Exclusive)
Arnav(Inviting All), Khushi ( Maa Laxmi),Jeevika Viren( Radha Krishna),Sandhya-Suraj(Ram-Sita) & Shiv Parvati (Indu Singh )
Credit: Star Telly News Blog
“Arjun” Spoiler / Story For 3rd & 4th November 2012- Exclusive

Saturday, 3rd November 2012, 8:00 PM:
A kid has gone missing from an orphanage run by a very renowned and respected woman Sharda Devi. The ETF is called in to investigate, where Arjun discovers that somewhere the case is related to black magic and tantricism. To worsen the situation, another kid goes missing in front of the team.. Will Arjun be able to find the culprit and bring the kids back; and strongly counter the superstitions prevailing in our society.
Sunday , 4th November 2012, 8:00 PM:
A mother after giving her daughter an overdose of sleeping pills, she herself commits suicide by jumping from the terrace. Though the daughter is alive but is still in coma. ETF comes to investigate the case and find out that the woman was involved in a bank heist with the help of a local goon. Will ETF catch the conspirator and solve the mystery of the woman’s suicide.
By- Team Telly News.
Diwali Promo 2012 Star Plus
Check out the latest Diwali promo on the right side of our blog.
( N.B.: this video will be aired for limited days, i.e. till the original promo link is published)
Enjoy watching....
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Lonely Rivulet
Chaska Meter Show Ranking
For the period Monday, October 22, 2012 to Sunday, October 28, 2012
Rank | Show | Buzz | Rating | Views | Activity | Followers | Total Points |
1 | Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon? Last Week: 1 | 0 | 347 | 500 | 175 | 250 | 1272 |
2 | Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon Last Week: 2 | 81 | 230 | 164 | 42 | 115 | 632 |
3 | Punar Vivah Last Week: 3 | 28 | 195 | 98 | 21 | 85 | 427 |
4 | Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hain Last Week: 4 | 19 | 190 | 79 | 29 | 97 | 414 |
5 | Qubool Hai Last Week: 0 | 125 | 153 | 17 | 6 | 7 | 308 |
6 | Diya Aur Baati Hum Last Week: 8 | 57 | 159 | 51 | 7 | 32 | 306 |
7 | Bigg Boss Season 6 Last Week: 5 | 76 | 151 | 42 | 21 | 14 | 304 |
8 | Balika Vadhu Last Week: 12 | 38 | 149 | 67 | 16 | 31 | 301 |
9 | Bade Acche Laggte Hai Last Week: 6 | 0 | 164 | 62 | 6 | 50 | 282 |
10 | Hitler Didi Last Week: 7 | 0 | 165 | 39 | 11 | 58 | 273 |
11 | Pavitra Rishta Last Week: 9 | 0 | 154 | 61 | 12 | 41 | 268 |
12 | Pyaar Ka Dard Hai...Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara... Last Week: 14 | 19 | 160 | 35 | 6 | 29 | 249 |
13 | Kuch Toh Log Kahenge Last Week: 16 | 28 | 150 | 26 | 9 | 25 | 238 |
14 | Dil Dostii Dance Last Week: 11 | 0 | 156 | 29 | 15 | 33 | 233 |
15 | Parichay Nayee Zindagi Kay Sapno Ka Last Week: 13 | 0 | 160 | 39 | 14 | 20 | 233 |
16 | Arjun Last Week: 17 | 0 | 172 | 24 | 15 | 18 | 229 |
17 | Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Last Week: 10 | 0 | 155 | 37 | 6 | 25 | 223 |
18 | Devon Ke Dev. Mahadev Last Week: 15 | 9 | 154 | 40 | 4 | 16 | 223 |
19 | Amrit Manthan Last Week: 26 | 38 | 147 | 14 | 5 | 8 | 212 |
20 | Mann Kee Awaaz Pratigya Last Week: 20 | 0 | 155 | 29 | 8 | 16 | 208 |
21 | Hongey Judaa Na Hum Last Week: 23 | 0 | 162 | 9 | 3 | 22 | 196 |
22 | Saath Nibhana Saathiya Last Week: 18 | 0 | 133 | 22 | 6 | 29 | 190 |
23 | The Buddy Project Last Week: 22 | 0 | 156 | 6 | 8 | 17 | 187 |
24 | Dil se di dua.Saubhagyavati Bhava? Last Week: 19 | 0 | 140 | 19 | 3 | 22 | 184 |
25 | Uttaran Last Week: 36 | 0 | 145 | 18 | 6 | 12 | 181 |
26 | Parvarrish - Kuchh Khattee Kuchh Meethi Last Week: 48 | 19 | 148 | 2 | 0 | 8 | 177 |
27 | Afsar Bitiya Last Week: 29 | 0 | 154 | 11 | 3 | 8 | 176 |
28 | Chidiya Ghar Last Week: 49 | 19 | 151 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 175 |
29 | Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke Last Week: 33 | 0 | 148 | 15 | 3 | 8 | 174 |
30 | Suvreen Guggal - Topper of the year Last Week: 24 | 0 | 149 | 8 | 4 | 12 | 173 |
31 | Adaalat Last Week: 44 | 19 | 150 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 173 |
32 | Phir Subah Hogi Last Week: 30 | 0 | 144 | 14 | 3 | 10 | 171 |
33 | Love Marriage ya Arranged Marriage Last Week: 25 | 0 | 152 | 10 | 1 | 8 | 171 |
34 | Rab Se Sohna Isshq Last Week: 27 | 0 | 144 | 13 | 2 | 11 | 170 |
35 | Alaxmi - Hamari Super Bahu Last Week: 60 | 19 | 149 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 170 |
36 | Gumrah Last Week: 47 | 19 | 144 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 168 |
37 | CID Last Week: 41 | 0 | 150 | 8 | 1 | 8 | 167 |
38 | Sasural Simar Ka Last Week: 32 | 0 | 146 | 12 | 2 | 7 | 167 |
39 | Ruk Jaana Nahin Last Week: 31 | 0 | 156 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 167 |
40 | Kairee - Rishta Khatta Meetha Last Week: 35 | 19 | 140 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 167 |
Credit: India Forums
Monday, 29 October 2012
IPKKND 29th October 2012 Written Update:
Arnav angry with Khushi that She did DNA test
for Arnav & Aarav.Khushi tries to explain.He
asks if she doesnt trust him. He tells her to
open the report & look. Sheetal looking from
aside. Khushi tries to open & finally she tears
the Report. Arnav tells he doesnt have any
relation with Sheetal other than dating her.
Khushi feels sad that Arnav fel
t bad.
for Arnav & Aarav.Khushi tries to explain.He
asks if she doesnt trust him. He tells her to
open the report & look. Sheetal looking from
aside. Khushi tries to open & finally she tears
the Report. Arnav tells he doesnt have any
relation with Sheetal other than dating her.
Khushi feels sad that Arnav fel
t bad.
She decides to not think of it anymore
She sees Aarav coloring & thinks there is no
mistake of the boy. She sees he drew about
his mom,dad & him.She goes to Aarav &
apologises while he is in the bathroom
(hehee. .)
She sees a dairy of sheetal & thinks weather
to read or not. While she is thinking she
imagines hergood side(fairy) & bad side
(demon). She finally decides to look at the
diary going with the demon side. She
slowlytries to read page by page.She reads
about Sheetal meeting a guy(no name
written) & she falling in Love. She reads about
how sheetal met that guy & she fell for him &
finally became close. She sees a page torn
after that. She suspects something would
have happened & decides to search for
She sees an old picture of Arnav with
college.She sees Sheetal & Arnav together in
the picture & also dated it as 2006. She thinks
of taking another copy of the report. She calls
the hospital for the another copy but couldnt
get it as the computers are not working. She
decides to go to Aarav school& get the
certificate. She dresses up as pune.
She tries to go to search for the form which
has Aaravs Birth daye but she has been given
work to serve tea. She goes to Principal office.
Sheetal & Arnav argue about playin basketball
match. Finally she decide to play game &
decide who is best!!!!
She sees Aarav coloring & thinks there is no
mistake of the boy. She sees he drew about
his mom,dad & him.She goes to Aarav &
apologises while he is in the bathroom
(hehee. .)
She sees a dairy of sheetal & thinks weather
to read or not. While she is thinking she
imagines hergood side(fairy) & bad side
(demon). She finally decides to look at the
diary going with the demon side. She
slowlytries to read page by page.She reads
about Sheetal meeting a guy(no name
written) & she falling in Love. She reads about
how sheetal met that guy & she fell for him &
finally became close. She sees a page torn
after that. She suspects something would
have happened & decides to search for
She sees an old picture of Arnav with
college.She sees Sheetal & Arnav together in
the picture & also dated it as 2006. She thinks
of taking another copy of the report. She calls
the hospital for the another copy but couldnt
get it as the computers are not working. She
decides to go to Aarav school& get the
certificate. She dresses up as pune.
She tries to go to search for the form which
has Aaravs Birth daye but she has been given
work to serve tea. She goes to Principal office.
Sheetal & Arnav argue about playin basketball
match. Finally she decide to play game &
decide who is best!!!!
Diwali – Har Chere Ki Muskaan

Telly News
Star Plus is sure to add excitement to Diwali celebrations this year with an extensive line-up of television’s favourite artists gathering at one place for a special treat for their viewers.
India’s much-loved entertainment channel will celebrate an extended Diwali from November
5th to November 9th at 7:30 PM that will see scintillating performances from Star Parivar’s
popular members.
5th to November 9th at 7:30 PM that will see scintillating performances from Star Parivar’s
popular members.
The celebrations will feature exciting song and dance performances, colourful sets, costumes,
engaging narrative and hilarious battles of wits between Star Parivaar members.
engaging narrative and hilarious battles of wits between Star Parivaar members.
Star Plus has always ensured to brighten up the festival by revisiting stories of the past year
and setting an appropriate tone for the year ahead. These celebrations are always a perfect
blend of loving gestures, blissful moments, heartfelt blessings, rolled together in engaging
acts and performances.
and setting an appropriate tone for the year ahead. These celebrations are always a perfect
blend of loving gestures, blissful moments, heartfelt blessings, rolled together in engaging
acts and performances.
The entire Parivaar will celebrate the grandeur of Diwali for one special week, ‘Star Diwali –
Har Chehre Par Muskaan’, where the legend of Diwali will be revisited to revive the true
spirit of the festival.
Har Chehre Par Muskaan’, where the legend of Diwali will be revisited to revive the true
spirit of the festival.
The actors will present engaging mythological stories associated with Diwali with the
message of ‘Good always triumphs over Evil’. The week will be split into various episodes –
Katha Lakshmi Ki, Katha Ganesha Ki, Katha Krishna Ki, Katha Ram Ki, and the final
culmination of these episodes will take place with a gala episode of ‘Shubh Deepavali’.
message of ‘Good always triumphs over Evil’. The week will be split into various episodes –
Katha Lakshmi Ki, Katha Ganesha Ki, Katha Krishna Ki, Katha Ram Ki, and the final
culmination of these episodes will take place with a gala episode of ‘Shubh Deepavali’.
Television’s most celebrated characters Suraj, Sandhya (Deepika Singh) and Jigar will be
cast as Ram, Sita and Laxman. Actor will play Ravan while Khushi will play Lakshmi.
cast as Ram, Sita and Laxman. Actor will play Ravan while Khushi will play Lakshmi.
The first episode will be based on the legendary story of ‘Samudra Manthan’ in which Lord
Vishnu transformed into a tortoise to carry a mighty mountain on his back to churn the
Vishnu transformed into a tortoise to carry a mighty mountain on his back to churn the
The second episode will tell the tale of a race between Ganesha and his brother Kartik to
circle the universe. The love between Radha and Krishna will be enacted by one of Star Plus’
favourite couples, Jeevika and Viren in the third episode, while the fourth episode will be
based on Lord Rama’s return from exile after slaying demon Ravan in a bitter battle.
circle the universe. The love between Radha and Krishna will be enacted by one of Star Plus’
favourite couples, Jeevika and Viren in the third episode, while the fourth episode will be
based on Lord Rama’s return from exile after slaying demon Ravan in a bitter battle.
The final episode ‘Shubh Deepavali’ will mark a fitting conclusion to a week of unlimited entertainment.
By- TNN.
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